This is a modern era. But, this is a era of modern health problems too.It is impossible to imagine modern life without computers.We use computers at work, at home,in train...Regular use of computers and lack of physical activities bring us various health problems.Most common are eyestrain and injuries to the wrists, neck and back and stress.
1. Eye Strain
To reduce symtomps of eyestrain (which consists off burning or itching eyes, blurring or double vision,
headache,nausea and fatigue ) it is recommended to:
-use quality monitors
-suitable lights
-use a screen filter
-keep eyes at least 18 inches from the screen
-regularly look away from the screen and focus on something in the distance
-take regularly breaks - at least 5 minutes break every hour
2.Back Pain
There are a some useful things that can help people to avoid back pain.These include:
-use of adjustable chair
-use footrests
-use adjustable monitor
-take regular breaks and exercise
-good posture- back straight and head up
3( RSI ) Repetitive strain injurey
Repetitive movements over a long period of time can cause damage especially to the fingers and wrists, To reduce this problems ensure the correct height of chair and work station, support wrists using wrist rests,
keep elbows close to your sides and make five minute breaks at least every hour,
Stress can be physical, emotional, psychological...It can be caused by many reasons:
- people don't understand computers very well and they are afraid off computers;
-Older people find very difficult and stressful trying to keep up with new ideas and equipments.
- People feel unsecure and monitored all the time,
5. Safety issues
It is recommended to pay special attention to the workplace area and ensure that :
- wires across or around the room are removed
- there is appropriate use of electrical sockets
- there is enough space around the desks for people to move
- there is adequeate ventilation and heating